Teaching methods at Hvassaleitisskóli
The school uses formative learning methods to create a positive school culture, promote student independence, improve self-image, enhance collaboration and achieve success for all students.
Formative learning
The planning of studies and environment promotes a learning culture characterized by a growth mindset. Making mistakes is acceptable as they are opportunities for learning. The school expects all students to achieve success. The core of formative learning is that students know what is expected of them. They receive continuous feedback from teachers about their strengths and areas for improvement throughout their studies.
Team teaching
Team teaching occurs in most grades. A team of teachers shares responsibility for each grade's student group. The group is divided differently based on needs. The school emphasizes diverse teaching methods, student engagement, creativity, research work, collaboration, expression and critical thinking.
Literacy in a broad sense
Grades 1-3 use Beginning Literacy methods, while grades 4-7 use Literacy for Life methods. Both methods emphasize literacy in a broad sense. They focus on speaking, listening, reading, reading comprehension and writing across subjects.
Positive discipline
The school follows the Positive Discipline philosophy, emphasizing social justice and equality in the learning community. Positive Discipline helps students develop skills to manage their emotions, have prosperous interactions and learn from their mistakes.